
Oklahoma Association of School Business Officials

The Oklahoma Association of School Business Officials (OKASBO) is the premier resource on business practices and policies for Oklahoma's public education community.  OKASBO is a nonprofit statewide professional association, and is dedicated to promoting excellence and professionalism in all aspects of school business.

Founded in 1957, OKASBO serves members by providing professional development, promoting best practices strategies and creating professional collaboration and networking opportunities. Our members represent every facet of school business management and operations including finance, accounting, payroll, human resources, risk management, transportation, child nutrition, maintenance and operations, information technology, purchasing and facilities.

OKASBO provides valuable benefits to members at all stages of their careers.  Those who join early in their careers benefit greatly from a wealth of professional development workshops and conferences, as well as peer guidance. Come to OKASBO mid-career and earn additional skills and make the connections to find your next job. Participate as a seasoned professional and mentor others and refine your skills. Or, be active as a retired member and share your wisdom and experience.  As your professional organization, OKASBO offers an entire career's worth of growth opportunities.

Our parent organization, ASBO International, is a professional association with over 6000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and other foreign countries.  ASBOi excels in providing energetic, informative, and educational programs for school officials.  Membership is composed of non-instructional personnel at the local, state, and national levels in the field of school business management.

  • Certification - bolster your professional credentials through certifications like the Certified School Business Specialist, Certified Business Official, and Certified School Business Administrator, or attend professional development program courses through the Oklahoma Center for School Business Management (OCSBM)
  • Activities - two yearly statewide conferences, Encumbrance Clerk/Treasurer training, and a quarterly newsletter are only the tip of the iceberg of the opportunities OKASBO can offer you.
  • Corporate Opportunities - OKASBO members aren't just influential, they are decision makers.  Learn how to partner with OKASBO through advertising, sponsorship/partnership, exhibiting or presenting at a conference, and gain access to school district employees who "sign the dotted line" for their organization.
  • For further information, and to join OKASBO, visit our Membership section.  We need your talents and skills!


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